As with most artists, photographers, musicians and other creatives we are quite often asked who are we influenced by and whose work do we most admire? Like most people I find that over a period of time our tastes change and so do our influences. Regarding painters, I still cite artists like Peter Lanyon, Patrick Heron, Barbara Rae, Albert Irvin and Frank Bowling to name just a few of the more "well known" or "established" artists some of whom are still producing stunning work.
Then there are other less well known painters whose output can channel you in a direction that can change the style of your work, I include here my colleague Neil Murison and other artists that I know personally whose paintings, sculpture,music etc. have a bearing on how our own work develops.
The internet is an exciting source of discovery for painters that can also be inspirational. I recently came across an artist called Brian Rutenberg an American originally from South Carolina who has worked for over twenty five years in New York city. Brian's website features over fifty videos which he calls "Studio Visits" and are very informative regarding his working practices and influences.
I contacted Brian via email and struck up a dialogue about this very subject and would recommend his website (hover mouse if website doesn't appear)
Meanwhile I've just completed another acrylic from my Scottish trip, this time of Loch Fyne.
"Winter - Loch Fyne" Acrylic on card 14cm x 14cm in 23cm x 23cm glazed frame |